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Lex Sub Customers Import


This will import lex sub customers.

download sample sub-customers import file.


Lex Sub Customers Import

Lex Customer contract fieldsMap to ViSN Column NameDescriptionMax lengthRules MandatoryDefault ValueExample
CustomerNameCustomer NameCustomer Name100A-Z & 0-9 and special charactersNHeaney - Rath
CustomerAccountNoAccount NumberAccount Number15A-Z & 0-9 and special charactersYASI537945
StandardInstructionsCustomer Policy NotesCustomer Policy Notes8000All Characters and Special CharactersNThe TCP port is down, reboot the bluetooth protocol.
ContactNameContact NameContact Name100A-Z & 0-9 and special charactersNKaycee
TelephoneNumberContact NumberCustomer Contact number110-9 numbersN01234567891
eMailAddressContact EmailCustomer Contact Email address50All Characters and Special
CustomerReferralLimitReferral LimitReferral Limit7All Characters and Special CharactersN300
Lex Customer contract fieldsDescriptionMax lengthRules MandatoryDefault ValueExample
MaintenanceControllerNotesMaintenanceControllerNotes8000All Characters and Special CharactersNThe TCP port is down, reboot the bluetooth protocol so we can input the CSS panel!
TyreBrandPreference1TyreBrandPreference110All Characters and Special CharactersNDFGH-THYU
TyreBrandPreference2TyreBrandPreference210All Characters and Special CharactersNDFGH-TPYU
TyreBrandPreference3TyreBrandPreference310All Characters and Special CharactersNDFGH-TUDU
TyreBrandPreference4TyreBrandPreference410All Characters and Special CharactersNDFGH-TTKU
TyreBrandPreference5TyreBrandPreference510All Characters and Special CharactersNDFGH-TOYU

Importing a file


  1. Create a new branch with Jira task number in the branch name

  2. Delete all the files in importFiles folder

  3. Create a folder with the current sprint number

  4. Copy the file that needs to be imported

  5. Go to package.json , find the line validate:lexSubCustomers

  6. Modify --leaseId with the required lease Id

  7. Modify --file with the relative path of the file

  8. Save package.json

Validating locally

  1. in a terminal run npm run build

  2. in a terminal run npm run validate:lexSubCustomers

  3. If there are no errors, push the code

Validating in workflow

  1. Go to Action of Import-manger

  2. Find <Environment> - on-demand-import

  3. Select the branch that was created for this import

  4. Enter script name as validate:lexSubCustomers

  5. Leave Overrides empty

Importing the file

  1. If the validation has passed

  2. Go to Action of Import-manger

  3. Find <Environment> - on-demand-import

  4. Select the branch that was created for this import

  5. Enter script name as import:lexSubCustomers

  6. Enter --persist in Overrides field

Importing the file via cloud run

Creating Schedulers for validating the lex-sub-customers

  1. Go to Cloud Scheduler and select the CREATE JOB

Setup Required

A Scheduler should be created cloud scheduler with the following parameters

  • Name: lex_sub_customer_import_file_validation
  • Region: europe-west2
  • Frequency: 0 0 31 12 1
  • TimeZone: GMT London
  • Target type: HTTP
  • URL:
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Auth header: select OIDC token
  • Service account: cloud-run-import-customer-contract
  • body: a JSON object including the following parameters

JSON object for lex_sub_customer_import_file_validation scheduler

"leaseId": "QJKgdjS4I02sEia4yTne",
"leaseCompanyName": "Next Fleet Services",
"persist": "false",
"bucket": "",
"appDirectory": "/usr/src/app/",
"importPath": "imports/fileDrop/",
"importFileDropPath": "imports/fileDrop/",
"importFileName": "lexSubCustomer.csv",
"email": "",
"fatalErrorEmailToAddress": "",
"schema": "LEX_SUB_CUSTOMER"

Create scheduler for validating the lex-sub-customers

Creating Schedulers for importing the lex-sub-customers

  1. Go to Cloud Scheduler and select the CREATE JOB

Setup Required

A Scheduler should be created cloud scheduler with the following parameters

  • Name: lex_sub_customer_file_import
  • Region: europe-west2
  • Frequency: 0 0 31 12 1
  • TimeZone: GMT London
  • Target type: HTTP
  • URL:
  • HTTP method: POST
  • Auth header: select OIDC token
  • Service account: cloud-run-import-customer-contract
  • body: a JSON object including the following parameters

JSON object for lex_sub_customer_file_import scheduler

"leaseId": "QJKgdjS4I02sEia4yTne",
"leaseCompanyName": "Next Fleet Services",
"persist": "true",
"bucket": "",
"appDirectory": "/usr/src/app/",
"importPath": "imports/fileDrop/",
"importFileDropPath": "imports/fileDrop/",
"importFileName": "lexSubCustomer.csv",
"email": "",
"fatalErrorEmailToAddress": "",
"schema": "LEX_SUB_CUSTOMER"

Create scheduler for importing the lex-sub-customers


  1. Bucket name is and it will vary for higher envs and the file path should imports/fileDrop, where you can drop the CSV file named "lexSubCustomer". This action will place the file in the specified location within the designated bucket.


  1. Go to Cloud Scheduler
  2. Run lex_sub_customer_import_file_validation job (job name could be different on other env)
logs in cloud


  1. Go to Cloud Scheduler
  2. Run lex_sub_customer_file_import job (job name could be different on other env)
logs in cloud


  1. Lex Sub-customers will be created under customer. You can verify this by navigating to the ViSN customer platform and selecting Settings > Customers.
Status: Pending Approval
Category: Protected
Authored By: Harish on March 14, 2024